Midnight in Paris, Mexico and Salted Caramel Loaf

February is dragging on. Even though it is one of the shortest months it feels like it will never end. The cold, the melted snow, the little bit of sun. I feel so deprived after going to Mexico. I miss the colours, the vibrancy, the happiness, energy the sun gives us and the easy going life.

I just finished reading "On Mexican Time"by Tony Cohan. The author and his wife decide to drop their life in California, sell their house, leave everything behind and start a new life in San Miguel De Allende, the town I visited myself and fell in love in it. I was so lucky to find this book in my local library. It tells a story I can identify with or anyone wishing to make a change in their lives but they are afraid of it. It is daring, it is scary, it can bring lots of tears, but at least the happiness you feel is real because you know you tried. I wish to go there soon. Life is too short not to experience everything best we possibly can! Now I try to bring the warmth back with baking and cooking and sharing some of these sun-filled pictures.

"People seem calm, soft of demeanor, parting in the streets to let each other pass with whispered "permiso" answered by "pasale". Children seldom cry.....after a meal in a small restaurant, I realize I have no money; the proprietress laughs and says pay me later, though she's never seen me before."  

Tony Cohan "On Mexican Time" 

I also watched "Midnight in Paris" last night. I was so entertained by this movie, it took me back in time and I realized the most important in life is to truly love and focus on the now. Make the best out of what we have.

"All the fear comes from not loving or not loving well enough......" what beautiful and wise words.

The most important is to be passionate about everything we do. Or choose one passion and follow it.

Now back to the food :)

I came across this cake in Not Without Salt- a blog I am addicted to- on the day when I had the biggest craving for sweet and salty. And I could not ask for more. It was perfect!

Salted Caramel Date Loaf

Recipe courtesy of "Not Without Salt"

1 cup sugar
1 cup chopped and pitted dates
1 cup hot water
6 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the glaze:

2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon (or so) good sea salt, for finishing

Grease a 21.5 cm  x 11.5 cm loaf pan and pre-heat your oven to 175 C/350 F.

Melt the sugar in a bowl over medium heat until it caramelizes. Turn off the heat and add water, butter and dates, mix in. Wait until the mixture cools down, transfer to a bowl, mix in flour, baking soda, salt; mix in egg and vanilla at the end. Transfer to the greased pan and bake for about 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Make the glaze by melting the butter with brown sugar in a small saucepan and once combined add the cream. Poke holes in the cake and pour all over. Sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy!!!!!


  1. I'm always amazed by the kindness and joy of people in places we consider less fortunate! It inspires living a simpler life!

  2. Definitely! It is way too busy here!

  3. This cake looks and sounds gorgeous - shall be trying it soon.

    My background is Polish, both my parents, so I would welcome your take on traditional Polish dishes. Do you make mushroom and cabbage pierogi or apricot knedle (not sure of the spelling).

    Melbourne Australia.

    1. Thank you Sylvia, I hope you had a chance to try it. It is very delicious.

      I do make mushroom and cabbage pierogi, usually around Christmas time. They are very laborious but so tasty, I love to fry them up a bit with some bacon and onion.

      Knedle I have not tried making, I love Lazanki- pasta with cabbage and mushrooms.

      I have few recipes here under this link:


      See if you like anything and I will try to post more in the future. Thanks for reading this blog!


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