Something To Be Thankful For...

It always surprises me how human kind always tries to understand and uncover the meaning of our existence. We are a fleck of dust; we are here for a little bit and to some life does not even mean a lot. Others stay in toxic or difficult relationships because they are afraid to be alone, or they do not believe they could be happier, better off in a different place, at a different job, in another country….What shocks me is people who decide to suffer, they complain all the time yet, they do not anything about it. Also, people who cannot be grateful for help, people who take things as if they belonged to them and they think nothing can take it away from them. I prefer to spend my time on doing something productive and something that makes me happy- blogging, cooking, reading, listening to great music. Why waste time on something that takes out your energy and why somehow we end up being involved in one way or another in a complicated story. We should live our own lives and make the moments count. Forget the bad ones, because the only day that matters is today, so let’s make it count.

I have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving- a beautiful daughter, a wonderful caring partner, help of my parents, my house and health. Today everything is good and I hope all my friends share their Thanksgiving meals appreciating what they have and forgetting about the things that they do not have.

Happy Thanksgiving!


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