Steel Cut Oatmeal- My New Favourite Thing...

I have discovered this oatmeal very recently and it has been my favourite thing to have for breakfast.
I make it on Sunday nights and it lasts me until Thursday. Friday is my treat day, I will usually have a bagel, croissant or anything else I am craving that day.

The oatmeal is very filling and I am not hungry until lunch time. I used rolled oats in the past, but steel cut oats, which are traditionally served in Scotland or Ireland, are much better.
Try it and it might become your favourite thing!

Steel Cut Oatmeal

1 cup steel cut oatmeal (I use President's Choice)
2 cups water
2 cups milk

Bring everything to boil in one pot. Turn the heat to medium and cook for about 20 minutes stirring frequently. Leave if in the pot with the lid on for about 1 hour before serving. It will finish cooking in the heat and steam and it will become smooth and soft.
Serve with some honey or maple syrup, sprinkle of cinnamon, fresh berries or toasted nuts, bananas or almonds, any other fruit you like. Yogurt works really well as well.


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