Veggie Curry When You Are In a Hurry and Miso Soup a la Pho

November 16

Most nights I have no choice but put dinner on the table in a matter of minutes, I have maybe 30 minutes maximum to come up with something yummy. And soon I am back at work from my maternity leave, so, somehow I will have to become a superwoman to keep up with not only cooking but posting on my blog :)

Even though I like to make as much as I can from scratch, sometimes it is simply impossible.

I always keep some staples in my kitchen including red curry sauce for a quick curry, that takes no time at all. And every time I have it, I am surprised that a little bit of chopping and tossing can produce such a delicious dinner.

I adapted this recipe from Nigella Lawson's Nigella Express- her Prawn and Mango Curry, which is amazing by the way. Instead of all the veggies you only use 2 green onions, about 500g sweet potato or squash, 1 mango and some shrimp. I like to throw in 1 white potato as well. Amazziing! Having a poorer fridge these days I came up with this Thrift Option, which is still yummy :)

Red Veggie Curry

1 tablespoon of frying oil
half a red onion
1 spring onion

1 small sweet potato
1 white potato
2 carrots
half a cup of chopped cauliflower
2 teaspoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons red curry paste
200 ml coconut milk
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro
juice of 1 lime and more for serving
Some dry roasted peanuts

Cooked rice or rice noodles for serving.

Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan, add the chopped onion and spring onion and cook for about a minute. Now add the curry paste, let it dissolve to release the flavours and add the coconut milk. Add the potatoes and carrots and cook until almost soft. Add cauliflower at the end. Season with lime juice and add cilantro and peanuts at the end (peanuts are not in the picture)


November 17

Leftover rice noodles, cilantro, lime, miso paste......perfect. A cold day, first little bit of snow calls not only for some alcohol in your coffee ;) but hot soup. My leftover curry ingredients will make a perfect Vietnamese style Pho. I made miso soup, added some chopped spring onions, rice noodles, cilantro and fresh bean sprouts. Cooked some pork and veggie dumplings and served with the soup as well as a side of lime and some chilli flakes.

What an unexpected and soul warming dinner. And not too heavy which means there is room for dessert? I have just received a parcel from my parents from home and one of my guilty little pleasures, chocolate candy called Michalki. As for these ones, I really should not be allowed to keep them at home.


Dan Mangan Road Regrets


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