All Good Things

It has been a while now that I have been living in Canada and I love the way the city becomes during the summer long weekends. Suddenly it seems as if everyone has left to escape the sounds of the city. I was not that lucky this year and instead of heading to enjoy the calm, peace and quiet of the Canadian freshwater lakes I stayed in my apartment trying to get some rest while listening to all the partying going around and drunk crowds yelling who knows what on the street in the middle of the night....
On top of that I watched a movie that did not have a happy ending and it was loosely based on a true story. if you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. Very good acting and a great story make this movie entertaining all along and it even inspired me to do some further research about the true story (I will not reveal too much not to spoil your appetite) Maybe if I mention Ryan Gosling, some of you ladies will not be able to say no to watching it and Kirsten Dunst to your lovely partners who acts amazingly in her character here. Life can be unpredictable and the story shows how complicated we are as human beings....
On a further and more optimistic note I decided to lighten up my day with having a leftover pasta lunch and instead of dinner I am going to have vanilla ice cream with some homemade cheesecake brownies. If you are at the cottage have a drink for me to these beautiful forests and lakes. Maybe you will be lucky enough to hear a loon as I am off to devour my brownies in a quieter than usual city (only during the day, everyone is recovering from hangovers ;) ....


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